2020 prophecy: Shiloh Word Chapel President, prophet Samuel rolls out 31 prophecies

Says Nigeria economy will improve in 2020

The founder and president of Shiloh Word Chapel, Abuja, Prophet I. O Samuel, has reeled out prophecies for the year 2020, stating that the Nigeria economy will improve in the year 2020 through agriculture, farming and mining.
The Abuja based prophet reeled out the prophecies while he was coming down from Prayer Mountain
Prophet Samuel’s Prophecy:
1. I see a European currency coming together to overtake Dollars in terms of value. Also, some parts of Africa will embrace One Currency..
2 . On AMERICA, Pray against famine three years from now.
3. There will be greater disaster in Asia countries and America.
4. Pray against terrorism attacks in the U.K, France, turkey, KENYA, Mali and Nigeria.
5. Pray against the death of the president of a nation. I saw a president slumped and the flag lowered in 2020. God have Mercy.
6. An African great leader is shouting help, help, inside smokes of fires.
7. I see military dressed people very brutal on innocent citizens in nigeria pray for the west and North on this.
8. I see youths running up and down after a protest and many lives and properties were lost.
9. Pray for this early 2020 Against greater fire out break in a market.
10. Buildings are collapsing more in Lagos pray against this. Water overflow, heavy rainfall is coming. Unfriendly climatic change.There is a spirit in charge pray.
11. strikes strikes strikes in nigeria and unnecessary interuption of activities in nigeria.
12. The economy of Nigeria is improving by agriculture farming and mining this angel is moving from state to state blessing and planting strange minerals, precious stones even oil in the nothern part of nigeria but only peace and stability in power will be the challenges.
13, A Lot Of Refineries Will Spring Up In Nigeria From Now To meet the demands of the nation.
14, Christians, Be Ready For Real Persecutions By New Laws And War Of Faith, This Massage Is Deep Pray Deeply.
15. I see Religious Leaders In Nigeria And Africa Fighting and Betraying, haunting Each Other, As Trials increase In The Church instead Of Coming together to pray In faith. Let Us Pray against these.
16. God is giving Us more stars springing up from nigeria to break records in science, technology ,education and sports From now they will break records worldwide as a reward of prayers in the land.
17, The present ruling party, Apc should maintain Unity, if not your party will crash and divide into four over night to fight one another.
18. Remember all Governors and ex-governors in prayers against health cases that’s will be alarming , political set ups and great political scandals.
19, I see more leaders going to jail and lots of assassinations. Our Leaders get closer to God or The devil will fulfill his plans. It is not time for political occasional service to God. Move closer and serve God.
. 20, A Search Light Has Been Mounted On Nigeria, Good And Bad. The Leadership should take note Verify and take.
21, Let Us Pray against increase in fake drugs in nigeria and poisonous food production and smuggles.
Please SON take note.
22,There are some illegal dangerous arms smuggled in our nation now angels are picking them with spot lights. some are in the port Harcourt area, some in Lagos some are in two states in the north. Government should comb through, if not uniformed people are in deep challenge from now let them.
23,pray for big ministries in nigeria against tragedy if you don’t pray for your G.O and family. Please do this year, they need strong back up. there is a great battle ahead but saints shall prevail.
24, I see young men of God doing wonders that will shock the entire world in Africa Europe, America and Arab world many mantles are being transferred to double the kingdom generals of prayer, miracles crusades signs and wonders world wide .
25, I saw Many Nigerians deportees Running back because of immigration cases and crisis from Africa and western countries.
26. Stingy people over the years will not find it easy this year no matter how they struggle ,But all givers to the church and the poor over the years shall not lack the supply shall be excessive like manna and treasures of SOLOMON, Angel Of Breakthrough is with the List thus says the Lord of Host , Is Our Year Of (Gods Remembrance ) Leveticus 26:42, Psalm 25:6-7.
26. It Is A year of uncommon ideas and quick excessive inventions for financial exploits.
27, Nigeria Judiciary system shall be sanitized From Now I see UN And America Getting Involved On Nigeria Affairs Politically And On Religious Related Matters.
28, I Saw Nigerians Fighting With Strangers pray for Lagos state, PH And Kaduna, Maiduguri ,EBOYIN state
29, Strange Signs Will Happen In The Sky ,Mountains And Ocean From Now To Five Years That Will Shock The World To Believe That The End Is Near.
30, This Is The Year Of Supernatural. Angels Shall bring miracles faster and accurate prophecies in dreams and visions to bring solutions for man kind glory be to God.
31, If You Dont Remember God Before Taking Any Action This Year You Are On Your Own. Eg, Investment,Movements, Prayers,Decisions Deuteronomy 8:18.