
Cry of The Spirit End Time Prophecy

By prophet I. O Samuel

Ministers of God worldwide wake up ; preach holiness, preach heavenly massages and hold fire revival services; to influence upcoming generation by holy ghost; not be a generation of carnality dwelling in flesh, no faith no fire, weak in reading God’s word or prayers but only to join suit through on line crimes; fraud, with desires to have all body tattoos, alcoholic, smoking, partying; all kinds of inhuman sexual immorality acts. We need songs of fire on the altar again not unproductive worship that still takes youths back to the world of impurity. I weep as I write.
As end time preachers and believers unprepared to stand the trials ahead; I saw a raw clear vision no sleep on 24th April night 24 elders in heaven showed me ; from June 6th 2021; to five years pray for a strange fire on all believers worldwide to arise in Jesus, the beast will influence the world leadership to introduce freedom laws the new world order dominion shall be revealed and uncovered to the world.
We need more lion bold faith believers in this end time for resistance; we need revival by open supernatural signs like in the days of Moses and Elijah to king pharaoh and Ahab
Read rev 10:8-11; rev 12: & 13; for clarity of my deep vision.
Repent Jesus is coming fast.
~Prophet (Dr.) I.O Samuel Jp.


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