
What you eat in the dream is not food

Doctor Felix Ojemekele is an herbal practitioner that specializes on spiritualism. He has used spiritual power to solved spiritual problems for many people.

Do you believe that spiritual realm control the physical realm?

Spiritual power really exist, such as marine spirit powers, witches power and Wizards power etc. These are the power which the evil people are using to manipulate things in the world. They manipulate the Innocent persons that do not have spiritual backup. If you don’t have a spiritualist who is helping you to check your spiritual realm, my dear, you will definitely experience things as follows.

1. Working like an elephant but at the end you eat like ant.

2. Spiritual husband or spiritual wife: How does one knows that he or she has spiritual partner. You always see yourself having sex with someone you don’t know, in the dream. And the real life it can cause big setback, failure, low sperm count to men, unable to get pregnant or married for ladies, lack of focus, lack of money, unable to prosper and lack of joy.

3. Eating cook food in the dream. In real life it results to sickness and diseases, re-occurrent sickness. If you have been treating a particular ailment any time you eat in the dream it will continue to re-occur. Because you eat in the dream is not food but sickness.

4. Bed wetting. Most of the bed wetting have a spiritual forces behind it.

5. As a woman you are not breast feeding a baby yet, but your breast is bringing out milk. That means they are sucking your breast and also manipulating your fertility spiritually. For such a woman to get pregnant in the real life will become so difficult.

6. Weak erection for men. The weak erection some men experience, are not ordinary; so many of them have spiritual forces behind it.

If you want to be free from spiritual manipulations. Come to me, all your spiritual problems will be solved. With God all things are possible. Please also note that what you eat in the dream is not food.

For more enquiry call Doctor Felix Ojemekele. On 07065388142, 08055055503. You can also visit us at Good Health Naturalist Care. At 12, Ramat park Ikpoba Hill, Benin City, Edo State. Hot line 07065388142.  Email: goodhealthnaturalistcare@gmail.com


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