
Mourihno: Pogba’s absence costs us Manchester’s derby

Manchester United Manager, Jose Mourinho has let out of the bag why team lose the Manchester derby on Sunday

Manchester United fell 3-1 to their fierce rivals Manchester City in a Manchester derby on Sunday.

According to the united boss, his team loses the game as a result of sudden change in game plan. The Portuguese said Paul Pogba was supposed to start the match but unfortunately, he was injured before the kick off of the match and Mourihno claimed that United were left in the lurch by being forced to start Marouane Fellaini.

The Belgium international replaced £89m midfielder Paul Pogba, who was injured before the match.

“Of course, we missed him [Pogba],” said the Portuguese.

“One of the things that broke our plan a lot was the fact Fellaini had to start the game, because Fellaini is not in conditions to play 90 minutes.

“He was phenomenal in his effort but he was not in the condition to do it. And normally, I bring Fellaini to this game in the latest part of the game.

“Imagine this game with Fellaini coming on at 2-1 fresh with 25 minutes to go.

“That’s an important thing for us.”


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